
Noorjahan Enayat, CFP®

Senior Wealth Advisor


Noorjahan “Noory” Enayat is a Senior Wealth Advisor and member of the XML Investment Committee. Her focus is on goal-oriented advice and holistic financial planning that inform the investment strategies for each client’s unique needs and objectives. Noory advocates empowering consumers through financial literacy because knowledge and choice is power. Her mission is to take the worry out of planning, building and managing her clients’ wealth so that they can spend their time focusing on the things that they love and enjoy.

Education & Philanthropy

Noory earned a Bachelor of Arts in economics from San Diego State University and continued her studies in economics, successfully completing the American Economic Association’s Summer Training Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She earned her CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER certification in 2018 and is committed to serving the best interests of her clients. Noory supports Northern Virginia Family Services and Afghan-American Women’s Association (A-AWA), and she recently became a foster and volunteer for the Humane Society of Fairfax County and 4Paws Rescue Team. Noory enjoys hiking the various trails in Northern Virginia and her home city of San Diego, California. 2B Supplement


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